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The Best Tips to Keep Your Remote Customer Service Team Productive

But tools and technologies including video conferencing, IoT, automation, virtual training, high-speed connections, and increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity have gone some way to alleviating those challenges. So much so that working remotely is now a viable option for many workers. Getting exposure to remote work in a customer service role is great experience for any career. It challenges you to master your daily workflow without the immediate assistance of your surrounding colleagues. You learn how to independently troubleshoot problems and how to teach yourself solutions when no one is near to help. Working with customers will teach you exactly how customers can use your company’s product or service to achieve their goals.

Not only do you need to set broad expectations, but also consider setting individual expectations. Employees want to feel appreciated, and giving them individual attention with their own set of goals is a great way to make them feel valued. While hiring the right people is a great first step to this, you still need to make sure everyone is on the same page. From the start, you have to be clear with what you expect of your employees.

Success Stories Just In!

2020 has been an unpredictable year and 2021 will most likely continue this path. Customer service departments and contact centres are no exception. Equally at home with content creation and curation, Laura has several years of experience in writing, editing, and publishing a variety of content. Her top interests include recruitment, HR, and diversity and inclusion. Prospective candidates expect competitive pay, a generous package, and opportunities for career progression. Increasingly, job-seekers are seeking employment with organizations that advocate for a healthy work-life balance.

Because of this disconnect between employees who feel disrespected and those who don’t think much about it at all , managers are often unaware of the problem. It may be difficult to follow all these practices, especially if your teams are scattered around the globe. However, in most cases, it’s worth going the extra mile to make your employees feel connected and cared about.


So there are almost no hurdles in your way to a remote customer service role. Companies know consumers won’t settle for poor customer service; they’ll take their business elsewhere.

Why Remote Customer Service Is Popular

The benefits of remote working were realized by both employees and businesses. Businesses save costs on building space and utilities and get more from their employees . And employees enjoy a better work-life balance because they don’t have to battle commutes. Finally, usingcloud-based customer service softwarethat is easy to use and requires minimal training is essential.

Foster transparency and communication

If a customer has to wait too long for a response, there’s a high likelihood they will feel frustrated and unimportant. Instead, a fast response time shows that the company values its customers and will do whatever it takes to ensure technical issues or other such problems are handled in a timely manner. Customer support representatives are the first and, sometimes, only point of contact for a customer experiencing technical problems. They ultimately create a positive or negative first impression, setting the tone for the rest of a customer’s interactions with your company.

  • You end up spending hours reading resumes, arranging interviews and communicating back and forth with potential hires to arrange meetings.
  • Not “work-from-home-Fridays” remote, but a real, full-time remote role.
  • The first option allowed me to gently flex my sales skills without having the pressure of closing a deal.

Provided your team has a strong internet connection, cloud-based software makes the transition that much easier. They don’t have to worry about individual hardware and installation. what is remote customer service But in order to better track these metrics, you need call center technology that helps you capture important information and deliver the best customer service.

Remote tech support: Save time, boost efficiency, and increase satisfaction

But hiring remotely gives companies hundreds of agents, with very little wait time, no matter when they need assistance. Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on EmailCall avoidance is a common issue in contact centers and must be dealt with to ensure a positive experience for your customers. But agents can quickly become frustrated and overwhelmed when dealing with irate customers and high contact volumes, leading them to avoid interactions…. Talent acquisition is no longer limited by geographical boundaries. Hire the most competitive and talented workforce anywhere in the world.

Why does remote work increase productivity?

Work from home resulted in a 13% performance increase, due to a combination of fewer sick days, and a quieter and more convenient work environment. Those working from home had improved work satisfaction and a 50% lower attrition rate.

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