Quality assurance methods and best practices: QA definition

People often get confused between the two but there is a huge difference. While quality assurance is all about preventive activities, quality control focuses on corrective processes. Sometimes, a client wants to save money by hiring several professionals with different expertise and from different countries and time zones to work on a single project.

software development quality assurance best practices

A range of perspectives, from different stakeholders and entities, may measure software quality in terms of how it fits to their own requirements, expectations, and standards. With LogRocket, you can understand the scope of the issues affecting your product and prioritize the changes that need to be made. LogRocket simplifies workflows by allowing Engineering and Design teams to work from the same data as you, eliminating any confusion about what needs to be done. Regression testing means double-checking if things that should work still work. Usually, regression testing is done before releasing a new version of the product, with QAs checking to see if the most critical user flows work as expected.

QA Best Practices Explained

Don’t wait until the end of the development process for your testing process to begin. The sooner your testing process starts, the more bugs you will be able to address. Let your QA team be involved in the early stages of your software development project.

Test planning – This involves designing a test plan that identifies the specific requirements of the product under test and determines the appropriate level of testing needed to meet those requirements. Usability testing is an essential part of software testing that assesses the system’s ease of use, user experience, and user interface. Your QA teams should define user personas that represent the system’s target audience and their needs, preferences, and behaviours. Security testing is a critical stage of software testing that involves evaluating the system’s ability to resist and recover from security threats and vulnerabilities. Performance testing is a critical stage of software testing that involves evaluating the system’s performance under various load and stress conditions.

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There are several reasons why it is important to have a QA process in place. Firstly, if the quality of a product or service is not up to standard, it could lead to customer dissatisfaction https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ and potentially lower sales. Secondly, QA can help to prevent the release of faulty products into the marketplace, which could have serious financial repercussions.

  • That way, everyone has a chance to improve the development plan from their expertise perspective.
  • Our goal is to have a release at least once a month to meet the needs of our customers.
  • Sanity testing is a detailed procedure that targets more topical features.
  • This ensures that the code you added to fix one problem doesn’t cause another.
  • Software Quality Assurance is a concept that should span across the entire lifecycle of software development and the entire self-development process.
  • One of the reasons QA is so important in software development is to ensure that your product is built with security in mind, and has been tested properly to ensure that the safeguards in place work.

It also helps the team maintain its breakneck release pace, with Nelson estimating that InfluxData has somewhere between 10 to 20 deployments per day. This past quarter, we’ve built a new QA team from scratch, onboarding a new QA lead and five new QA engineers — andwe are still hiring. This means documenting our features clearly so that anyone can look at our work and understand its purpose, scope and edge cases. The most important practice is for our QA to ensure that everyone is filling out acceptance criteria and test cases as thoroughly as possible, and secondly keeping them up to date as the project evolves. Communication is critical, and we are continually collaborating with multiple departments company-wide when new changes are being made. Because we participate in all of the agile ceremonies, we know ahead of time when transitions will occur and how they could impact other stories.

What is quality assurance (QA) in software development?

Another technique that allows to assess the application performance and curb undesired effects. On the other hand, without QA, most bugs would potentially be bigger and may only be caught in the testing phase, or after the program was released. Fixing these bugs after the fact would require more time, which in turn could cost more. Testing application security and application performance requires two distinct sets of skills, particularly as new security threats and new application technologies evolve. Trying to keep on top of both areas will dilute the capabilities of your individual team members.

The Capability Maturity Model Integrated is a process improvement strategy designed specifically for improving software processes. It is based on the process maturity framework and is used as a general help in software industry business processes. In Software Development Organizations, this paradigm is highly respected and frequently utilized.

Quality Assurance in Software Testing

For the sake of budgeting, many companies rely solely on outsourced QA teams. Constantly modifying code to fix one problem can easily lead to another. One of the best practices to embrace, especially when it comes to Agile development, is reusable regression tests. This ensures that the code you added to fix one problem doesn’t cause another.

software development quality assurance best practices

Requirements gathering is an essential part of the development cycle as well as quality assurance. Everything includes the application features, design, functionalities, scalability, reliability, efficiency, usability, etc. to check whether the application will meet the quality benchmarks or not. Predictable and productive performance, happy employees, a stellar reputation, and satisfied customers are the formula for a successful software business. Regression testing is usually carried out to check that recent code changes haven’t adversely affected the existing software functionalities. This approach requires the testing team to run a number of tests that have been applied earlier in the SDLC to make sure that the software solution works properly and in line with expectations.

Ensuring Compliance with Industry Standards

We discuss the acceptance criteria during the grooming process and find edge cases and potentially blocking stories. There’s also the possibility of more stories being needed for the expected functionality, so additional quality assurance time is set aside for supplemental planning as required. The QA team then meets with the leads of the product development teams to understand the release candidates in detail and estimate the time to test all features.

software development quality assurance best practices

Both allow for each team member to have access to the data in order to understand its purpose, scope and edge cases, said Christina Kung, director of engineering. The purpose of quality assurance is to determine if the product created is fit for usage. For that, the organization should have standards and procedures in place, which should be upgraded on a regular basis.

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The primary goal of quality control is to ensure that the products fulfill the customer’s requirements and expectations. If a problem is discovered, it must be resolved before the product is delivered to the client. Ideally, a test should be conducted whenever something is changed or added. Automated testing can help you avoid monotonous manual work, especially when it comes to regression tests, which should be repeated frequently.

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